Strategic Initiatives



The five strategic objectives of the sector and a careful examination of the various elements of our framework served as the basis for the strategic programs and initiatives.


The Saudi National Water Strategy 2030 outlines ten strategic programs and initiatives aimed at improving water resource management in Saudi Arabia. These include Water Law and Resource Management Regulations, Water Resource Management, Sector Resilience, Innovation and Capability Building, Supply Chain Efficiency and Service Quality, Water Services Regulations, Saline Water Conversion Corporation Reconstructing, Distribution Restructuring and Privatization, and Saudi Irrigation Organization Restructuring and Irrigation Improvement. These programs aim to introduce comprehensive policies, implement integrated resources management, optimize water resource use, and reduce consumption rates in urban and agricultural sectors. The programs are sponsored by MEWA Water Affairs and include 15 initiatives. The programs aim to ensure the water and wastewater sectors are prepared for disruptions to normal operations, promote research and development, enhance leadership, and improve water management capabilities.


This post presents ten programs in total, each of which consists of several strategic initiatives.



Program 1: Regulations for Resource Management and Water Law


The initiative seeks to establish a thorough set of regulations and a sufficient legal framework.

and legal structure for the management of water resources. MEWA is going to carry out this program.


Program 2: Water Resource Management

The goal of Saudi Arabia's water resource management program is to establish integrated resource management and planning at the national level. Additionally, it seeks to maximize the utilization of existing water resources by rationalizing them, including surface water, renewable groundwater, and TSE. Reducing the current rates of consumption in the agricultural and urban sectors is another goal. MEWA Water Affairs will support this program, which consists of 15 initiatives.


Program 3: Stability of the Sector (Sector Resilience)

The goal of the sector resilience program is to guarantee that the wastewater and water sectors are always ready to handle any interruption to their regular business operations. This program ensures

that MEWA and the utilities are factoring in all the possible risks that could disrupt normal operations

at every step of the water supply chain. This program will be sponsored by MEWA Water Affairs and includes three initiatives. This program makes sure that at every stage of the water supply chain, MEWA and the utilities are accounting for all potential risks that could impair regular operations. Three initiatives make up this program, which MEWA Water Affairs will sponsor.

Program 4: Innovation and Strengthening of Skills

In addition to strengthening leadership and water management skills, this program seeks to advance localization and research and development. There are three initiatives in the program, which will be funded by MEWA Water Affairs.


Program 5: Enhancing Service Quality and Supply Chain Effectiveness

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's water sector value chain is still beset with a number of operational and service quality difficulties. In order to enhance sector operations and service delivery, the strategy suggested a program that will consist of seven initiatives and be funded by MEWA distribution.


Program 6: Water Services Regulations

The program for regulating water services seeks to guarantee that the economic regulator, or ECRA, performs its regulatory function for water services in addition to electricity and cogeneration. Since the economic regulator will be in charge of (1) licensing and permitting service providers, (2) reviewing municipal and industrial tariffs, and (3) putting appropriate commercial agreements and account balancing into action, this program is closely related to the Policies, Laws, and Regulations program. ECRA will fund this program, which consists of four initiatives.

Program 7: Rebuilding the Saline Water Conversion Corporation

This initiative was created in support of the SWCC's privatization plan. It comprises reorganizing and changing SWCC in order to fulfill its updated mandate. Three initiatives will be part of the program, which will be sponsored by SWCC.

Program 9: Restructuring Distribution and Bringing It Private

By streamlining distribution utilities and getting them ready for privatization, the distribution restructuring program seeks to change the way the distribution sector is structured. NWC will be the program's sponsor. It will consist of four initiatives.


Program 10: Restructuring the Saudi Irrigation Organization and Improving Irrigation

This program Designed to restructure and enable Saudi Irrigation Organization (SIO) previously known

as the Al Hasa Irrigation Development Authority (HIDA) to achieve its expanded role. This program will be sponsored by SIO and will include three initiatives.


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